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Friday, June 22, 2012

6 Free Affiliate Marketing Techniques to Convert Clicks into Dollars - Internet - Free

There are many internet marketers who believe FREE marketing is a billion dollar idea and they dont miss it. No doubt paid advertisements are effective and it can bring lots of traffic to your website, but you cant miss free source of marketing either. If you dont believe me just keep reading. Now converting your clicks into money can be little difficult, but if you work properly on your website than you can do it. First thing you need to do is spend some time online and become familiar with such techniques. Here are some most powerful tactics to convert your visitors into money. 1. Keyword Research - The very first thing that Internet marketers do even before getting there domain name is keyword research. Select a niche and then find the most effective word or phrase under your niche. Include your main keyword in your website or blog content several times. 2. Ad Networks - Now select an ad feed provider for you website or provide. There are 2 popular ad networks Google Ad sense and Yahoo Overtures and place it on your website. Whenever visitors of your website or blog will click on those ads you are going to get paid for it. 3 Link Awareness - Before your start marketing you website or blog, make sure you are done with you website or blog and your content is optimized properly. You can ask you friends or relative for opinions ask them to review your website. So make your friends and relatives aware about your website or blog. 4. Link Popularity - This is similar to the point above, but now you are making your website or blog available on the World Wide Web. Start marketing your website - make the best use of every free marketing techniques like article marketing, social media marketing, social bookmarking, back linking etc. link building is the most importing technique for SEO, if your website is linking to some other websites or blog and vice versa than all the links become mutual. Searc h engines like this. 4. Article Marketing - Write about 1 article every day and publish it on your blog and article directories, this will increase your website traffic and it will also help you to build a brand, people will start trusting you. Write on recent news on your niche; write something that contains solid information about your niche market. 5. Video marketing - This is the most effective and free technique to drive massive traffic to your site. You will get tons of visitors - targeted visitors to your site - all for free. All you need is a handy cam or a cell phone with camera; create videos by simply talking whatever you know about your niche. 6. Social media marketing - This is again a great way for effective marketing and it is free, social media can help you to increase your online business and can bring lots of visitors to your site.

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