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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Back To Basics: SEO Tips For The Beginning Ranker

SEO is an ongoing process that will require your constant committment and quite a chunk of your time to get started. Search engines work consistently to update rules, in order for you to stay on top of the others you will need to optimize your site regularly. Knowing what is up an coming and using it effectively while avoiding what isn't working anymore is what maintaining your site ranking is all about.

Once your site reaches optimal rankings it is important to remember that you must still optimize regularly to keep your ranking up there. You are facing some pretty strong competitors on other websites. Your goal is to reach the top before they do and stay there. Don't think it is all about building more backlinks, updating content and adding relevant keywords, there are other ways too, like targeted niches.

There is a lot you can do to increase your ranking, but when it comes to staying put in the same position, it takes commitment from your end. Your use of long tail keywords will result in fewer competitors which will allow your site to stay on top longer with little to no effort. You still must watch out for competitive markets, these will have alot of competition and you will find it necessary to keep analyzing your rankings to improve them every now and then.

The URL is another important factor in determining your search rank. The search engines check the URL for relevancy when ranking your site. Your site will rank higher if you use your main keyword in the URL. The keyword can appear in the main domain name, the sub-domain name or even the file name. It is important to use your main keyword in both your domain name and page title. This gives the search engines enough fodder to feed on, and increases your rank. How you use your keywords is what determines your site's rank, not necessarily how many backlinks your site has. So focus on this factor if you want to grow your chances of SEO success.

One slightly more advanced SEO tactic that you should be aware of is making use of the robots.txt file.

The purpose of this file is to tell the search engines which pages of the site should be ignored and which included in the index. For example, there might be duplicate content on your site that you don't want the search engines to index, since it could negatively impact your search engine position. Robots.txt can help if some of your pages need to be protected, but in general the search engines should be able to view all of your site's content and this is made easier if you use a site map.

So keep these SEO practices in mind when you put your sites together, and you will find that they work well.

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