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Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to make money fast - Business - Affiliate Programs

Internet Marketing Is Doable, But It Is Not Cheap Nor Easy And It Is Not "Get Rich Quick", Either

Some people go online dreaming of internet riches while others just want to make a living without working themselves to death, thinking that they will learn some obscure secret about how to make money fast online. Well, while it definitely beats digging ditches, internet marketing can be arduous and the long hours, late nights, and lack of sleep hunched over a computer can be just as backbreaking. In our opinion, online marketing beats other businesses hands down, but it still takes a tremendous amount of time, work, and resources to make it happen. Moreover, if you do not know how to get started, then you are in for a tough time. Hopefully we can shed some light on the fundamentals and clear away some of the mystery to give you a clear idea about how to make money fast, but remember, what works in theory does not always work out in practice.The Only Two Things You Need To Be Successful OnlineTo be successful online, you only need two things: tons of traffic, and methods t o monetize that traffic. There are fortunes to be made online. However, most people end up spending a thousands of dollars and hours before they discover these two simple truths and then spend thousands more trying accomplish these two, seemingly simple, things - most never accomplish either.Tons of Traffic . . .The first thing you need is traffic, and lots of it! In this article, we will take a look at the two different kinds of traffic which you can pursue to make money online: "Paid Traffic", which you could spend a fortune acquiring, and Free Traffic", which you will also spend a fortune for, just not directly.Paid Traffic" comes in many different forms, and is most commonly referred to as pay-per-click (PPC). PPC is advertising which you pay for only when a visitor clicks on your advertisement. This can be more economical than regular advertising, but not unless you know what you are doing. Clicks can cost anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars and they can add up q uickly. Stories abound about internet marketers who have set up ad campaigns that in the end cost them thousands of dollars, with no sales or money made to show for it.Free Traffic" or "Organic Traffic" is not actually free, you will need to invest significant money and/or time into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts up front in order to harvest traffic from organic search engine results. One of the largest elements of SEO is gathering "backlinks." These are one-way hyperlinks containing your targeted keyword(s) which point toward your money-site. Typically, you want to have reputable/trusted sites providing backlinks to your site, as search engines consider them to be votes of confidence. The sites with the most "votes" win when somebody searches for that particular search term.While this traffic is "free", most pay a fortune to attain backlinks, through article marketing efforts, buying backlinks (sometimes upwards of $250 for a quality link), backlink building servi ces, just to name a few of the countless backlink methods out there. This is where the challenge of learning how to make money fast online begins to present itself. In our next article we will discuss the second thing you need to be successful, methods to monetize your traffic.

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