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Saturday, May 4, 2013

4 Best Free Tools to Visualize And Analyze Twitter - Search Engines - SE Optimization

The power of social network analysis cannot be understated. You can observe how far your own personal influence stretches out, you are able to measure the scope of impact of many of the most highly successful people in Hollywood, and you could even determine potential business contacts from your particular niche. There are lots of possibilities when you start mapping out social networks.

There is really a huge trend of Twitter apps on the internet. Based on our survey, we've covered many, for instance Charnita's list of apps that could enable you to increase your network, and Saikat's list of awesome apps that permit you to ask questions from the Twitter community. But what I'd prefer to cover are free Twitter tools I've tried and tested that allow you to map or browse Twitter networks inside a more graphical way.

One Is Twitter Friends Network Browser

The Twitter Network Browser is a nice web app that allows you to enter any Twitter username as a starting point. After which, you'll be able to search through their friends and also travel through that social network one particular node at any given time. Each node stretches in a new set or group of friends.

It doesn't show all friends, just the most recent 15 or 16 friends, but as soon as you one or two networks, it allows you to click and drag your entire network map around for you to open and browse further. It's quite a fun way to pass the time and follow connections between people you're friends with and few that you don't.

Explore The effectiveness Of Twitter Networks

Another remarkable Twitter network mapping tool is that of MentionMaps. Much like with the Network Browser app previously mentioned, MentionMaps doesn't need a user account and you also don't require to log in with your Twitter ID. Just type a Twitter name and you will see all the strongest relationships that user keeps inside an amazing dynamic map.

The nodes that show up are the ones using the largest number of mutual mentions. These are generally signified on the map through the thickness in the line linking the nodes. It's cool to browse through some of your friends' nodes and find out who their major "mentioners" are too. MentionMaps is extremely intuitive and fast to search through, as the map moves smoothly any direction you browse.

Develop A Social Network Map On TwiAngulate

TwiAngulate is one of the best online tools that I've found,largely due to the fact there isn't just one analysis tool, there are six powerful tools you can use to track via Twitter social networks. Included in this are biggest followers, mutual fans, mutual friends, compare friends, obscure pals and keywords. Many of these are tools that allow you to compare the networks of two Twitter users, nevertheless the keyword tool is one that sifts over the Twitter network for any top Tweeters covering particular keywords.

To see if the system works, I compared Mark's social network along with mine to determine the amount of mutual friends we now have on Twitter - ends up we now have five - MakeUseOf being one of these, of course!

The "Biggest Followers" tool appeared interesting to me, simply because I've been curious with the size of some of my friends' networks and also who their followers are. The truth is that, I don't devote considerable time expanding my Twitter network, but in the process people who read my posts will register to be a follower, so I employ a nice tidy network of followers that I'm satisfied with.

I made a decision to compare my network to Steve Campbell, a social networking guy. I must say you'll find nothing quite as humbling as discovering the size of our networks when compared graphically as two spheres. Mine is much like a little moon alongside Steve's planet Jupiter - good work Steve!

Of all the Twitter tools, I'd must say that we found TwiAngulate's more valuable by far. I've bookmarked the tool and I intend to visit many times, as I develop my Twitter network.

Target Your Network According to TwitterVenn Keyword Analysis

The last visual tool that I'd prefer to cover isn't so much a graphical representation of Twitter relationship, but rather keyword relationships. Twitter Venn is definitely an app that delivers using a Venn diagram of how three search phrases are utilized on Twitter. This particular Venn Diagram provides all relationships in between each list of keywords that you simply input as much as three. For example, here I've entered seo, blogs and google.

The diagram demonstrates a lot of Tweets are about Google unsurprisingly, secondly about blogs and final about SEO. However, the more important section of the diagram could be the center. Most relationship Tweets are about SEO and Google by far. A number of are about Google and blogs, just a little less are about SEO and blogs, and extremely little cover all three.

All of these free Twitter tools are useful for directing your own Tweets and your efforts in expanding your network into the most productive directions.This is a must have especially for SEM agency LA So go and try it out guys!

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