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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

SEO Basics - Learn The Basics And Start Driving Organic Traffic

The "basics" are just all the on-page factors relating to search engine optimization. Although there is really nothing special to it, I have been asked numerous times by internet marketers to analyze their sites and various web properties. Honestly, maybe only one of every thirty or so requests ever meets all four of the basic on-page requirements. When I ask why they did something specific or why have not, I generally get pretty close to a paraphrasing statement right out of a blog post, ebook or online seminar.

In most cases, I can tell that those who spread this type of information do not mean any real harm. They were probably just told, or read the information themselves and if it somewhat makes sense to them then they pass off the information as fact. I can understand this happening and it really just comes down to the individual. Simply choosing to not take everything you read or hear for face value can solve most of these problems.

I know that most internet marketers are not able to live off of their online earnings and do not have the time to do IM full-time as their "day jobs" support their lifestyle. So with the limited time they have for internet marketing some people simply cannot afford to split test and verify all their processes. This is fine too and there is a simple solution.

Find split tests that have already been done by an seo expert you trust. If such split tests cannot be found or verified then DO NOTHING! As long as you have the follow on-page factors down keep doing only what you have already verified to work.

On-Page Factors

Description Make sure that your keywords are in the <meta> "description" tag.

Header Make sure that your keywords are in the <h1>, <h2>, <h3> etc tags.

Title Make sure that your keywords are in the <title> tag.

URL Make sure that your keywords are in the URL you are promoting.

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