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Thursday, June 6, 2013

The 3 'Most Basic' SEO Techniques - Search Engines - SE Optimization

For a website to rank high with the search engines, it must employ some fundamental techniques. The 3 most basic SEO techniques are discussed here (in brief):

Page Title: Almost every search engine optimization professional will agree that the page title is the most important element of an individual web page. The page title is the information appearing at the very top of the browser window. Looking from the point of view of a search engine, the title of the page is the first and leading indicator of the contents of the page. It is also the key information returned when the search engines list results for a search made on a particular keyword. Hence the page title should not only be relevant to the page contents but also contain the most important keywords (i.e. the keywords that are most searched-on in the context of the page's content). Moreover, the keywords must form a proper sentence (it should not look like the keywords have been fact, this is where the art lies).

Meta Tags: They are the HTML tags inserted in the area of the HTML code in web pages. Meta tags also play a significant role in search engine optimization. Inclusion of Meta tags helps improve the visibility of your web page. They are included so that the search engines can list your site in their indexes with more accuracy. Again, you must use some important keywords in your Meta tags. Also, here you have more flexibility (as compared to the page title) since you don't need to make a sentence out of the keywords (with page title you need to convert the keywords into a meaningful sentence). But do not stuff the Meta tags with too many keywords lest you render it useless. You might consider using just 6-7 top keywords per page.

Header Tags: Header tags also play an important role in search engine optimization. Some search engines give more importance to keywords and text found in header tags rather than those found on your pages. The text found in header tags usually relates to the central theme of the content. Hence this makes more sense. As such due importance should be given to header tags.

These are just 3 basic SEO techniques and can in no way be termed as sufficient. There are a lots of other techniques that should be used together with these 3 techniques.

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