The subject of ethics seems to be frequently discussed when SEO experts get together. This may seem strange, to those who don't follow the various pieces of terminology that are associated within the industry.
In SEO terms, the word ethics is often used to describe whether a particular consultant follows the guidelines issues by the main search engines. If they do, then they are seen to be taking an ethical approach. In theory, such an approach should mean that the websites that they are working on will rise up the rankings and then sustain positions.
The alternative would be to run the risk of receiving penalties that might lose all search engine positioning. Some companies are, however, prepared to accept such a risk as they look for fast results.
But is it really possible to be ethical and successful at the same time? There are some who suggest that this is difficult, although it must be said that plenty of SEO experts would disagree. Following the guidelines issued by the search engines can be time consuming, but there's no doubt that it can work well.
It does, however, often involve an acceptance that things may take a little time to produce results. This is where many business owners really struggle. In truth, most people want to see results quickly. Having to wait a few months for things to really get going may not sound that appealing.
The reason for waiting is that SEO should really be seen as a long-term project. It's about producing results that will last.
It takes time because ethical link building usually involves a manual approach. An SEO expert may spend many hours writing high quality content and then offering that content to the owners of specific websites. The aim is always to try to produce links from other sites that are in a related niche. This is all about building links naturally and organically.
The search engines won't usually become aware of such links immediately. It takes time for them to notice them and then produce improved search engine positioning as a result. Frustratingly, this often involves the need for a lot of patience on the part of the business owner.
As with so many strategies, it should be remembered that you are playing the long game. The aim is to win over time, but also to remember that business success is unlikely to be achieved in a matter of days.
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