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Saturday, October 26, 2013

3 Of The Easiest Ways To Get Traffic To Your Website - Marketing - Web Marketing

If you want to improve the amount of visitors that come to your website on a daily basis, then you will want to learn how to get a ton of traffic to your website simply and easily. Getting traffic isn't hard. The really hard part is keeping up to date with your traffic efforts.

In today's lesson, I want to share with you some internet marketing traffic strategies that you can use to improve your online business today. If you want to remain competitive in the online business world, you will want to utilize these techniques so that you can have the most sales as possible when it comes to marketing your business. Let's take a look at traffic strategy number 1:

1) Blog directories

Submitting your blog to the blog directories is a smart thing to do. Most blog directories require a backlink on your blog back to their directory, but you shouldn't worry about this. People browse on these directories everyday looking for new blogs to join and become a member of. You can get in on some of this traffic also.

It doesn't take long to fill out a form to submit your blog to a directory. Just make sure your blog is "sales-free", and that is geared towards giving lots of quality information that can help your reader to achieve a goal or solve a problem. With that being said, let's take a look at another traffic strategy that you can use to get people over to your website:

2) Submitting your RSS feeds

Just like your blog, your blog's RSS feed needs to be submitted to the RSS feed directories. People will come to these RSS directories and use newsfeeds from your blog to automatically populate their website with content. This can get you traffic for free, especially if you update your content daily and you have good information to share.

To get an RSS feed, all you have to do is to go to a website such as and get a feed immediately. Then, you will want to promote this feed all over the place on the internet. The more people who have access to your feed, the more of YOUR content will be placed on people's sites - thus giving you the possibility of getting massive exposure for your blog and website.

Here's the next great way to get traffic to your website:

3) Podcasts

You can create 30-60 minute long podcasts and submit them to the podcast directories. Honestly, the only one that you will want to be concerned about is iTunes. They are the largest podcast directory on the internet, and millions of people visit this website each and every month.

You can easily build a name for yourself with these directories, and the more podcasts that you set up and create, the better.

Use these 3 tips to get you more traffic to your website. All 3 can be done in one day, and they're very simple and easy to do. So do it starting right away.

Good luck with using these tips in your online business today.

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