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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Learn What Is A Keyword Search - Business - Entrepreneurship

So what is a keyword search? Sometimes people search for keywords in certain documents to find words or phrases. However when you enter into the world of internet marketing you learn that a keyword search is the start of an internet business.

I know that it does not sound it but it can be very exciting. You see if you can start to search for keywords in the right way then you are going to be on the path to success. Success means your web site ranking high in the search engines which in turn means getting traffic to your web site and then getting sales to your business.

However it also means that if you start this in the wrong way then you will attract the opposite results.

So to build your internet business properly and correctly with firm foundations you need to start learning what is a keyword search.

A keyword search is looking for keywords or keywords phrases that will be used to create valuable content on your web site for your customers. The search engines are always on the hunt for great content and for web pages that are optimised for the keyword phrase you have chosen to target.

I have found from painful experience that your keyword must fit in to the following criteria

1. Your keyword phrase needs to have traffic associated. Say at least 3000 searches per month. You can look this up using most keyword tools on the internet

2. Your keyword phrase must be targeted to your business and what you are selling.

3. Your phrase must also have low competition.

So what is a keyword search? It is a keyword phrase that is high in traffic but low in competition. However I would always go for the keyword which has low competition and possibly sacrifice traffic that is associated.

This means you probably need to focus on keywords or phrases that have 3 or 4 words in them. There are two very important reasons for this. These type of keywords have less competition. Also these keywords tend to be targeted to a definite niche area. These enables you to find a phrase which will pin point the business you are in and therefore attract the right customers to your web site.

So learning what is a keyword search is the real corner stone to any internet business. Without this in place it will be difficult to rank highly with the search engines. This means no internet traffic and therefore no sales and a poor business.

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