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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New SEO techniques done with Conversion Rate Optimization - Website Promotion

SEO as all of us famously know is the optimization of a website to rank it up on the search engine ranking pages to get traffic to your website. And this SEO has carved ahead the route to increasing use of conversion ration optimization.

Conversion Rate Optimization are the optimization methods of the various website elements like design, development, credibility etc. on the website to increase the rate of conversion of all the unique visitors coming to your website to the number of visitors doing finally what you want them to do or the motive of your website.

Hence today is a time when the SEO companies have quietly started working on the CRO for a simple fact that eventually the client they are working for, wants leads and not just mere hits on their websites. The SEO companies have started taking the tasks of CRO companies too. SEO does its work by bringing traffic to the website but what if the website cannot make any use of the traffic? That is what the CRO does. After a user lands on your website, how many times does he buy your product or service determines the conversion rate. A Conversion Ratio is the ratio of the users visiting your website who finally do what you want them to do on your website or what your website is intended for TO the total number of unique visitors visiting your website. And to optimize a website or a webpage to increase the conversion rate is conversion rate optimization or CRO.

And by CRO and its various techniques you can increase the CR.

CRO plays an important part in online promotions as the ultimate fruit of the SEO is the conversion of the leads on the website. SEO is the transfering of user from the search engine ranking pages of a SEO website and CRO is to finaly convert that user landing on the website to give a final conversion for the purpose of website.

There are various techniques of CRO that can be implemented for conversion rate optimization like better SEO landing up on the correct page or relevance, web design, increasing credibility, flawless route and so on. And eventually you have more and more visitors visiting your website to do what you want them to do.

The work of the SEO company finishes once the user lands up on your website, the CRO work starts from there on.

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