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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SEO URL Extractor Tool for retrieving Website's URLs - Internet - Free

You all know that dynamic websites, for e.g. an e-commerce website, has multiple webpages that are generated dynamically based on the request/query passed. In such a case, it gets complicated to assimilate the webpages of the website - doesn't it? There is just a right tool available at SiteOpSys to help you with this.

But before proceeding one must be clear about URL term. URL means a Uniform Resource Locator. It is a term used in the web world or other internet sources, which has two different meanings to it. One, it is popularly known as the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).Technically people refer to it as URL instead of URI.

The URL Extractor facilitates retrieving the webpages of a websites in this kind of a situation or even otherwise. It extracts the URLs of the website for you in very little time. All one has to do is to enter the name of the website, for which URLs need to be extracted. One also has the option to limit the extraction of pages to a certain number of URLs.

In case of an SEO analysis too, this tools comes in handy as one can first extract the website pages and then analyze the extracted pages for various SEO factors through the other tools available. This greatly simplifies the process with reliable results. One can even run this to tool to check the number of webpages present in a website, for a website having up to a thousand pages.

The URL Extractor Tool has been developed by Siteopsys, a leading Brand providing Online Solutions for the Website owners & Industry experts.

Siteopsys currently offers about 30 research and analytical SEO tools. Siteopsys plans to develop hundreds of analysis driven SEO optimization tools in the coming months. Since Siteopsys in its BETA stage, these tools are available to you absolutely free of charge. However, because they're free, Siteopsys had to limit the extent of URLs which our Web SEO tools analyze. Such limits will be removed once Siteopsys formally launch its website. Siteopsys uses advanced Grid Computing and Cloud Computing technologies which make its Web Site SEO tools really fast. So if you're looking for a speedy SEO tool to optimize your site's performance, take advantage of Siteopsys free SEO tools now.

Give this tool a shot and use it for your specific purpose of analysis/evaluation.

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