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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Article SEO Tips to Boost Your Traffic - Marketing

If you want to boost your traffic and rank for certain keywords, you need to learn about article SEO. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization and there are several things you can do to your article seo structure to make your articles rank higher automatically.

Article SEO means optimizing your article in specific ways so that search engines can more easily read and rank them.

#1 Keyword Density - This means how many times you actually place the keyword into your article. Search engines like a keyword density somewhere between 1 and three percent. 1 percent is a fairly conversational amount. This is where I tend to stay and it works well. A good rule of thumb is: Once in the title, a couple of times in the first few sentences, and 3-4 times later in the article. For a 700 word article, 7 times breaks down to 1 percent. See how it works?

You might find that you struggle to work in the keyword enough to raise your percentage. You are not alone. 1 percent sounds fairly conversational, 2 percent leaves no question in the reader's mind what the keyword is, 3 percent is basically the keyword replacing unimportant words like "the", "and", and "is". It is maddening to read a 3 percenter. Stay around 1 percent and you'll be fine.

#2 Image Alt Tag - This mainly applies to blog posts because most article directories don't allow images. For good article seo, images should have the keyword specified in the image alt text. So, in simple terms, find a relevant picture, upload it to your blog and in the "Alt Text" field, place your keyword. Done. Solid tip right there, yours for free. For a bonus bump, you can name your image file your "keyword".jpg. I've heard that tip and I do it sometimes. What article seohappens there is that you'll see your site images start to rank as well. If you go type in a keyword in Google images, you'll see pictures that aren't relevant at all. These are likely pictures with alt text that is just not relevant to the word. How else do you explain this picture for the keyword "SEO"?

#3 Headings - Again, on your blog, make sure you throw in a couple of lines, using Heading 2 or Heading 3 font, and make sure your keyword is in the sentence. Honestly, I don't get this one but, I use a plugin called SEOpressor, and it suggests to do it. Every little bit helps when trying to boost your article seo score.

#4 - Beginning and End - Make sure your keyword is in the first sentence and also in the last sentence. I guess it wraps everything up in a nice, tidy, article seo package.These tips will greatly improve your article seo scores, and if followed consistently, will increase the traffic to your site overall.

The better the search engines like your content, the better they like your site. The better they like your site, the more traffic they send your way. A great plugin I use is called SEOpressor. It gives you suggestions on what to do and show the real-time improvement of your article seo score right in the post window. My memory is shot so I like to use a tool so I don't have to remember all this stuff.

But you, if you pay attention to your article seo and write good content, you'll be in great shape.

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