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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Search Engine Optimizing - Search Engines - SE Optimization

Over the course of the evolution of the internet, Search Engine Optimizing has become the most important part of internet marketing. In some ways its annoying, but then in other ways, it's the best thing for your website. This whole make money on computer internet fascination has led to sites full of spam and what I call leech sites. These leech sites capture your attention with the promises of making more money then you've ever dreamed of only to have your money sucked out of you. These websites are usually made one day and just left alone to draw people in. Due to the fact that search engines love fresh and updated content, the only way for these websites to get any status is through paid advertising since they are usually de-indexed rather quickly.

What is Search Engine Optimizing?

Search engines have special robots that crawl your page. When they crawl your page, they look for specified trends in your page to determine what the page is about. Based on what they find, that will determine how your page will rank for the keywords you are basing your site on. Those specifics are what you need to have optimized so that you will get lots of page views and lots of money. I've listed a few search engine optimizing techniques to implement on your page.

To Do List for Search Engine Optimizing

1. Title: Your title of your site should have your main keyword in it but be less than 80 characters. Don't repeat the keyword in the title as a way of over emphasizing what the page is about. Search engines recognize this and it will only damage your chances. Make sure your title is catchy and will attract attention. I tend to use titles that will put the viewer in a purchasing frame of mind, such as (Your keyword) Sale or cheap (your keyword), be creative. Every page should have a different title to once again prevent repetitiveness. Also, try to use as few stop words as possible. Stop words being words such as "a", "for", "of", "with", etc. Search engines will block out these words if present in your title.

2 URL: Your main keyword should be in your domain name. Also, when writing articles, the main keyword for your article should be in your sub domain. For example, the main keyword of one of my pages is Search Engine Optimizing, you'll notice that the URL of that article is /search-engine-optimizing-money-on-computer. In your URL, you don't have to worry about stop words.

3 Meta Description: Your description of the page should refer to what is being talked about on the page and should contain keywords from the page. The reason behind this is that search engine robots scan your description and then scan your page to see if the two correspond. Like I said, no repeating! So if your page keyword was sporting goods and your article had the line:

"The sporting goods we stock are some of the lowest priced products you can find on the internet!"

Your meta description could have something like this:

"We stock some of the lowest priced sporting good products on the internet."

Notice that the sentence wasn't just pasted right into the description, instead, I used the words in the sentence from the page but changed around the words for the description. Now the robot will crawl the page and see that the same words that are in the description are used in the page and knows that everything so far is relevant. Your description shouldn't be more than 160 characters.

4 Keywords: The keywords you focus on should also be in your article. The article should have enough instances of the keywords your focusing on so that the search engine knows your page is focused on the specific keyword, but don't be overly abundant with it. Most importantly, your keywords you use on each page should be uncompetitive but highly searched after until your able to gain a higher Page Rank which always leads to more money made. Micro Niche Finder is my weapon of choice for determining what keywords I should focus on for each of my articles and pages. If you got here from a search engine, I can thank Micro Niche Finder.

5 Bold and Italicized: At the beginning and within the last 50 words of your article, your keyword should be either bold or italicized. When a robot crawls your page, it looks for words and phrases that stand out, such as bold or italicized words. Creating your page with your keywords styled will help search engines quickly notice the purpose of your site and will only enhance your search engine rankings.6 Using Header Tags: A header tag is basically a subtitle in your page and should be used before various paragraphs in your page. It breaks down various parts of your page but should be still focused on your keywords. There are various header codes but the two most sought after by search engines, are the h2 and h3 header codes. H2 being your Main subtitle and h3 would be an additional subtitle of that subtitle. Examples of them pertaining to this article would be:Search Engine Optimizing SearchEngine OptimizingUsing Web CEO helps to break down my site and not only show me how search engines see my page, but also areas I need to fix in order to gain the best search engine optimization.

This guide to search engine optimizing your website is very basic, a lot more has to be understood to make money on computer platforms.

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