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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Successful Article Marketing: Targeting leads in Building Your MLM Business - Marketing - Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best and easiest tools to building your mlm network marketing business. The more articles you submit to article directories, the greater the chance that the search engines will direct targeted leads to either your landing page or your home page or both.

The important part of the last paragraph is the two words, "targeted leads." What's the difference between a "lead" and a 'targeted lead?" Let's put it this way, you can get 1,000 leads to your website every week, which sounds nice, but if those leads are not necessarily targeted to your businesses opportunity that you are promoting, what good are they if they don't convert to sales?

However, if you only get 50 leads to your site per week and convert ten of them, you're well on your way to being successful in your network marketing business. But, how do you get those allusive high quality, targeted leads?

In this article I'm going to go over a few strategies in perfecting your article marketing technique. It doesn't matter how long you've been working your business, if you haven't done article marketing or if you have done it, but have not received the desired results, we are going to start from the beginning and jump-start this very effective recruiting method, so you can begin reaping the benefits.

Now, keep in mind, this is just one of the key marketing strategies in building your mlm business. You should be doing this in conjunction with other business building techniquethat I will be discussing in future articles.

The first question most network marketers ask is what do I write about? Of course, the answer to that is anything that has to do with the business you are promoting. As is the case with most mlm marketers, lead generation is the toughest challenge, but without it you have no business. When you do an Adwords Keyword search in Google for the keyword "lead," you find that it gets 2.2 million global searches per month with an average cost per click bid of $6.37 per click.

Based on those statistics, there are a lot of marketers that are searching for information in helping them acquire leads. So, acquiring leads is just one example of what to write about. If you are concerned because you are searching for those answers yourself, you are going to get information here that not only can you apply to your business, but now you will be able to also write about.

Of course, be sure to write your own article and do not copy other articles because search engines do recognize mirror articles and they don't like it. Their view is that there may be copyright infringement going on, so they will not index the article. It may also hurt future articles you write, So be sure to write it in your own words -- never, never copy other people's work.

In order for article marketing to be effective, you need to accumulate as many articles as you can. They don't have to be very long -- the ideal length of the article is 500 to 700 words, any longer than that and you may potentially lose you audience before they get to the end of the article where your all-important back-links will be.

If you are just starting your article marketing, I would suggest writing one article a day for the next 90-days. This sounds like a lot of work, but it will be worth it if you are serious about your network marketing business. That would give you 90 articles that will be indexed by the search engines, giving you a great opportunity to start seeing results within the first few weeks. But don't stop there, continue to write as much as possible.

Keep an eye on your statistics to monitor your progress as the days and weeks pass. Most article directories are indexed by the search engines daily, so this is also the quickest way to get your articles seen by the search engine robots, also called "spiders,"and getting your articles moving up in the search results.

So, the first thing you are going to do is come up with some ideas for articles that are related to your business and start writing. Once again, it's okay to cheat a little bit and study up onother marketer's articles to help you write your own.

Once you know what you are going to write about, you now want to come up with a title. Some writers finish the article and then title it -- that's fine, but just make sure your title is keyword rich.

If you are stumped on what keywords or tags to use, which are basically the same thing; just do a search for the Google Adwords Keyword tool. There you can search the keywords to the subject of your article. The keyword tool will give you the results of your keyword and also will give you many related keywords and keyword phrases that you can use as your articles keywords or tags.

Once you come up with your keywords, be sure to use them within the body copy of your article, especially in the first few paragraphs. However, do not use your keywords over and over just for effect because the search engines are programmed extremely intelligent and pick up on what's called "keyword spam." If the search engine robot determines your article is spammed with keywords, it will not index it.

Although there is a lot more that I need to cover, this is enough for you to get started. I will be going over many more strategies to help you get you article viewed by the search engines as beingpertinent to the keywords you chose. Although there is more for you to learn, the important thing is to get started writing and work on what I discussed here.

Even if you are not doing everything right, the important thing is to begin to attract attention to your network marketing business.

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