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Monday, July 22, 2013


Getting a good ranking in the major search engines isprobably THE BEST way to get traffic to your site, but justhow to do this is the question. There are literallymillions of web sites out there. But remember a good website ranking is virtually FREEadvertising and will bring in a steady flow of traffic, soit is worth going to some lengths to get a good position. First, sit back for a minute and ask yourself what exactlyyou are selling. What keywords are people going to searchfor to find your page? Getting a good ranking on a searchengine depends on the keywords you are using - or morespecifically the keywords people are using to find you! Your aim should be to create a few HIGHLY FOCUSSED doorway pages for your site, each one optimized for a particular keyword of phrase. But be honest with yourself. Usekeywords or phrases that describe your product or serviceas closely as possible. To help you find out which keywords are most searched for,and how likely you are of getting a good ranking, there isa very good tool called WordTracker. It emails you a freeweekly report of the top 500 keywords (phrases) that arerequested on the major search engines. It also filters outall pornographic words which account for 25% of searchengine requests. However it also does more! You can enter a keyword or phrase that you want people tofind your webpage with, and it will return a list of 100other related keywords. You then click on any of thosekeywords and you will get a list of how many searches havebeen made for it in the last 24 hours. Then Wordtrackercompares the results with the number of pages ranked onAltaVista for each keyword or phrase and compiles a reportfor you. Now here is why this tool is so valuable. You can seewhich keywords you have more chance with in obtaining ahigher search engine ranking - those keywords with a lot ofhits but relatively fewer pages listed on AltaVista - andcreate doorway pages optimized for those keywords. Thedoorway pages yo u create will now have a better chance ofranking in the top 20 or 30. Wordtracker has a free trial. Now after choosing your keywords, create a doorway page foreach one. Most search engines place a high importance on the keywordsand description "META" tags on your web pages. For a moredetailed explanation of META tags, look at our HTMLtutorial at /HTML.htm. As well as the meta tags, search engines take into accounta number of other considerations such as keywords in theTITLE tag, in your header tags, and how keywords are placedon your pages. If you want to know more about how searchengines rank your pages we strongly recommend you download the award winning free e-book "Search Engine Tactics" from our downloads page -/downloads.htm (only 129 KB). The more specific your keyword or phrase, the easier it isto get a high ranking. A page optimized for "Chinese herbaltea" should get a good ranking much more easily than a pageoptimized for "tea", because there would be a lot fewersi tes trying to have well-positioned pages. What we are saying therefore is that you need to usekeywords that directly describe your product or service. Ifyou are paying someone to do it for you, make sure you tellthem the exact search phrases you want your site to befound with. Designing a number of "doorway" pages, each page optimizedfor a different keyword or phrase, will multiply yourtraffic. ALSO remember that search engines don't all usethe same set of rules (algorithms) to rank your pages. Somemight place more emphasis on the META tags while others may spider the content. You can take your page optimization one step further now,and create a doorway page not only for each keyword, butfor each of the major search engines. So it is quite easyto have 30 doorway pages for one product or service - 3different keywords and 10 search engines. To do thisproperly involves searching for your keyword on aparticular search engine and then analyzing what the top 5or 10 sites have in c ommon. You can then optimize your ownpage based on the results of your search. Doing thismanually is not time-efficient when you can get software todo it for you. There are a few good software packages that will spideryour web pages, compare them with the top "X" results for aparticular search, and then let you know what you shouldchange. They can also monitor, keep track of your positionsin the different search engines, and schedule yoursubmissions. Optimizing your pages is still time consumingbut if you are prepared to spend an hour a day creating anew doorway page, you will soon be able to create your own"traffic puller" on the web. You will find details of how to get WordTracker and freetrials of Webpage optimizing software at our website -/search-engines.htm.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve had an uplifting experience with WriteRoom... Over the last few days, I've been using INK for All, honestly, I like this tool better
