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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Getting Targeted Traffic That Buys What You're Selling As An Affiliate - Marketing - Article Marketing

If you're struggling to increase your affiliate marketing profits with clickbank, the best way to fix this problem is to focus on getting targeted traffic in front of the product you're promoting.

Most affiliates that struggle to see consistent income from their affiliate marketing efforts are attracting the wrong kind of traffic to their affiliate link.

Getting the right kind of traffic in front of your affiliate offer that will turn into sales can be done by various methods but the most effective and recommended way to start in the beginning is with article marketing.

Writing articles gives you an opportunity to better control the on page seo factors that can help you to rank better than your competitors in the search engines and get more traffic.

Here are four areas that you can focus on to really boost your article writing efforts and capture high rankings on the search engines that translate into profit.

Included are:



Anchor Text

Related Keywords

Let's talk about the title of your article briefly. When you craft the title for your article it's best to include your main keyword as close to the beginning of your title as possible.

When the search engine robots analyze your article in the directory, your keyword rich title will help them to give you better placement in organic search results.

In addition to knowing what your article is about, your keyword rich title is the clickable link that searchers will see when they are looking for the information you're providing.

Entice them into clicking the link to your article.

Attention getting headlines are equally as important as writing keyword targeted article titles. A really well written article title will draw the interest of your reader making him/her think "aha! that's what I was looking for.

It's important that the body of your content delivers on the promise your headline is making.

Off page SEO is a major factor for getting targeted traffic to your site and obtaining high search engine rankings.

Making sure to include your main keyword in the anchor text of your article will help you to get the maximum traffic benefits from your article marketing efforts.

This is the link that will take your reader to the affiliate product you're offering once they click on it.

Additionally, you might want to sprinkle a few secondary keywords related to your main keyword throughout your article to cement the relevancy of your content in the search engines for top placement in the organic search listings.

Granted there is no such thing as absolutely free traffic because you'll either pay with time or money, but if you're just getting started and working your way up to paid methods, writing SEO rich articles can help you in getting targeted traffic to your affiliate link.

There is another powerful source of instant free push button targeted traffic, want to know what it is?

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