itle Tag - The title tagis the most powerful on-site SEO technique you have, so use itcreatively! What you place in the title tag should only be one thing,the exact keyword you used for the web page that you are trying tooptimize. Every single web page should have it's own title tag.
2) ALT Tags - ALT tags were meant to be for text browsers becausethe images didn't show in text browsers and the ATL tags would tell thevisitor what it's about. You should put your main keyword(s) in the ALTtags, but don't over do it because you could get dropped in the resultsor even worse banned for life!
3) Link Popularity - Link popularity is the most powerful SEO toolout of all them. Most search engines don't even consider web sites ifthere is not at least one or two links pointing to the web site. Havinganother site(s) link to your web site is important when it comes togetting your site a good ranking. Your keywords should be in the linksyou get and keep the keywords short. When you receive requests for alink exchange, check the site out before linking with them, check forspam (Repeat keywords, hidden text, etc.).
4) Keyword Density - This is also vital and should be used withresearch. You should use the keyword(s) once in the title tag, once inthe heading tag, once in bold text, and get the density between 5% to20% (Don't over do it!). Also use your keyword(s) both low and high onthe web page, keyword(s) should be in the first sentence and in thelast one.
5) Page Size - Your web page's speed is important to your visitorsand the search engines. Why? Because the robots will be able to spideryour web page faster and easier. Try your best to keep your web pageover 5k and under 15k in size.
6) Rich Theme - Search engines are looking at themes more and more.Build content (Articles, FAQ, tips, etc.) much as possible and keep theweb pages around 200 to 500 words. Create content that's related toyour market and link them out to other related content on your site.Try to get 200 web pages or more.
7) Web Site Design - This is also important, if you want to getindexed! Text content should out weigh the HTML content. The pagesshould validate and be usable in all of today's leading edge browsers.Stay away from flash and Java Script, search engines dislike them botha lot.
8) Insite Cross Linking - This will help you get all of your webpages indexed by the search engines. Your web pages should be no morethan three clicks away from the home page. Link to topic relatedquality content across your site. This will also help build you abetter theme through out your web site. On every page you should linkback to your home page and your main service(s).
About the Author
Matt Colyer is the owner of the Superior Webmaster. He also is a php, CGI and ASP develope
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