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Thursday, September 5, 2013

3 Reasons To Use Google+ - Business

With the introduction of social media, most people probably are wondering which ones to use, which ones are most effective, and which ones are mere copycats.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and now - Google+ -which one is best? Which one will be obsolete or outdated in a few months.

As with Facebook, which introduced Facebook Business pages, Google+ for business makes it a great choice, especially if you aim to promote your business.

Alongside the basic social interaction benefit, Google+ have three very good advantages that may very well fit your need.

Google+ helps you hit your target. The most common disadvantage the internet has over offline advertising is that often, you are unable to actually reach your target audience. You blindly post, and although your post is good and well thought-of, most often, it reaches the eyes and ears of people you do not really hope to sell to.

Although any form of sales is good, it's really a better feeling if you know you have conserved some of your efforts, and actually reached your target market. Google+ allows you to do that. Its feature that allows a user to assign followers into "Circles" and use these circles to provide tailored messages to specific users is the really best advantage Google+ has over Facebook and LinkedIn. It is such a big help to business owners because it helps get the proper content to the proper audience - which are usually out of reach when you use other social media platforms.

It is, of course, fully integrated with Google. Now who wouldn't benefit from integration with the best search engine? Unlike other Social Media forms, Google+ is packed and partnered with all the Google apps and tools you have been using so often in your business. These are Google Maps, Google Places, Google Analytics, and other more convenient tools. Oh and of course, Google Search!! In short, it's like having them "in-house" - no need for downloading, copying or pasting - they're all in!

It's like buying a fully-loaded car, as opposed to purchasing a basic and bare car, and slowly saving up for a navigation system, a top-of-the-line DVD player, or the shiniest mag wheels. Imagine the convenience? Not only is it beneficial to you, as the business owner, even your followers can customize their settings so that they can choose what type of content they want to receive.

You get an SEO boost. Google+ influences search for all the people who have included your business page in their own Circle. You may also put a +1 button on each page - which is like a formal invitation from followers to invite others to your page. In short, Google+ 1 button invites people into your world by allowing you to tag content you like, share content with chosen Google+ Circles, and offer recommendations that appear in the Google Search results. Your business page's

SEO therefore gets a boost! How great is that?

So if you're still thinking of which social media platform to use, maybe Google+ is the best for your business. Well, of course, this depends on your need, but we definitely recommend that you try it out.

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