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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An SEO Tutorial - Basics of Search Engine Optimization - Internet

SEO or Search engine optimization is the process of making a website "search engine friendly". It is the most important aspect of website design. Many commercial websites are designed and set up by people who know nothing about SEO. This article is an SEO tutorial that contains information that web designers must know about optimizing a website for the search engines.

It is necessary for you to know that search engines only index text. SEs don't index images well and they don't index Flash as well. Though, there are some exceptions to the rule because SEs are becoming more intelligent and more able to index files like PDFs and the captions of graphic files and some texts in a Flash file. Always remember that Search engines only index text and you will not go far wrong in SEO.

There's actually a lot of things you can do when you're planning to re-design or design a website for you to get better rankings in search engines, and every little bit of it helps in the end. No magic thing you can do to get to the top place of a SERP for your website. But you can do a lot of small things that will add up to excellent placement in a search engine for the keywords you choose that are significant to your web pages.

You should optimize more than one page of your site for the SEs. Optimizing is not something you do on just one page and then skip doing on the rest of the site. You may optimize your home page using your most important keyword phrase and other pages for different keyword phrases. If in case you're selling different products on different pages, each of your page can be optimized for that certain product. That's a good way to organize it. This SEO tutorial recommends you to do SEO on at least a dozen main pages of your website for the best outcome. You don't need to optimize pages on which you do not have public content or pages such as a "contact us" or "privacy policy", etc. The pages you need to optimize are the pages that people want to find and those are the pages about your product or service.

The internet has a lot of websites that offer a broader SEO tutorial; there are some that would explain to you every little thing about search engine optimization. These are just some basic things that you need to know when optimizing your website.

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