In the cutthroat world of online business, there are a few basics you should understand about local search engine optimization. The point of local SEO is to get you on the map - both literally and figuratively - and for you to be accessible to both potential and actual clients and customers. Google Maps allows for far more information to be entered, edited, and viewed than one might think, but close attention to detail and an eye for web marketing can never hurt, especially if you, dear reader, familiarize yourself with some basic SEO principles common to the field.
First, understand the system. According to Danny Dover of, a website dedicated solely to the edification, progression, and proliferation of search engine optimization and related issues, there are four major factors in SEO to consider when launching a local SEO initiative of your own, in order of importance:
1. Accessibility and Content2. Keyword Research and Targeting3. Links4. Social Media
Firstly, accessibility and content. Accessibility in this context means how easy it is for potential local customers to find your business. So much has changed with the way Google's search algorithms - either local or national - that it's important to keep up. Dover says, "Google is saying that over 20% of searches contain some sort of reference to locality, be it a city, state, or country, something like that. That is a big deal." Specifying one's location and service area on a site can be a crucial component in local SEO success.
Be sure that your content is updated constantly, consistently, and that it contains important terms or phrases relevant to your business. These are known as "keywords" in Google's lingo, and they dictate how the search engine's results display on the SERP (short for search engine results page), among many other factors.
Keyword research and targeting are the next logical step. Carefully observe which terms and phrases are being searched for - this kind of information can be accessed through Google Analytics, as well as a free, standalone application called Google AdWords Editor. Some keywords will cost you more, others less, but the trick is finding a balance between what you can afford and what best describes your business.
The remaining two components of local SEO, links and social media, will be discussed in the next installment of 180Fusion's blog feed. To be continued
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