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Thursday, January 23, 2014

SEO Techniques that Take Charge of Search Marketing Resuls - Other

From Superior On Page Optimization and In-Depth Keyword Research to 3rd Level External Linking Strategies, our SEO and local search engine marketing processes blow away the competition.

Comprehensive Search Marketing Strategies

You Can't Lose With the Stuff We Use!1. Competitor Examination AKA "Nuts and Bolts I"

Before diving into a full blown SEO campaign (or any marketing endeavor) it is absolutely critical to know your competition. One of the beautiful aspects of online marketing is that we can evaluate the competition and discover how strong the competitors foothold is on a particular keyword.

We evaluate SEO competition through a variety of online tools as well as internal proprietary software that uncovers weakness in the marketplace.

Our systems reveal the keywords your competition is fighting for, how tough it will be to rank for those particular keywords and if there are 'hidden' keywords that we can rank for easily. Some of the factors we analyze include (but are not limited to):

Inbound Page Link Count

Domain Link Count

Domain Age

.EDU & .GOV Links

Title vs URL vs Meta Competition Analysis

Internal Linking

2. Keyword Analysis AKA "Nuts and Bolts II"

Abraham Lincoln: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax."

Keyword Research is akin to President Lincoln's famous quote. Why spend six hours chopping down a tree with a dull ax when you can do it in two with a sharp one? We're not sure how many hours George Washington spent sharpening his ax to chop down the cherry tree, but we're certain he was smart enough to sharpen the ax first! But we digress.

The importance of keyword research can not be under stressed. Can you imagine how long it would take for a new website to rank for a keyword such as "Insurance Quote"? Companies with unlimited SEO resources and teams of computer engineers have been competing for this keyword for years! More than likely, insurance companies and lead providers have been competing for this keyword since the inception of the internet.

But, does that mean there is no opportunity to rank for keywords in the insurance industry? Of course not, especially if you are marketing locally. Here is a perfect example:

Notice that local results appear and you're not competing with the big boys. Proof positive that you must attack the right keywords, or risk getting stuck in the ring with Mike Tyson (when he was 20).

What factors do we look at to determine which keywords to focus on? There is a combination of search volume to competition analysis that guides which keywords to direct our focus. If competition is too high for the keyword, then it will be too costly to pursue. If competition is low and keyword search volume is low, then the keyword may not be worth pursuing. What we need is the perfect recipe of medium to high search volume with low to medium competition.

Some of the Software We Use for Keyword Analysis:

Google AdWords Tool

Google Search Based KW Tool (SK Tool)


Market Samurai

Keyword Research Pro

3. On Page Optimization AKA "The Cornerstone"

The first piece of foundation that a house of worship receives is the "cornerstone". The cornerstone is the source of the strength of the building. On Page Optimization is the the cornerstone of your search marketing campaign. No matter how many inbound links a site may have, the site with a stronger foundation will always rank higher.

What is special about our On Page Optimization Strategies?

We go through your website with a fine toothed comb. Our partnership with SEOEng allows us to view your website like the search engines do! We automatically discover weaknesses, hidden areas to improve upon and where to add strength. Our comprehensive on page SEO process explores, reveals and takes care of:

SEO URL Structures

Title Tags

Meta Tags

H1, H2, H3 . Headers

Bold and Emphasized Keywords

Internal Linking Structures (More important than you know!)

Semantic Flow

W3C Compliance

Google Webmaster Tools

4. Off Page Optimization AKA "The Special Sauce"

Here is where the fun begins, and where our truly special skills get to shine.

Competition Analysis, Keyword Research and On Page Optimization need not take a back seat to Off Page Optimization, but this is where we take it to the next level. Some of the work that we do can be considered unique, special, and (shhhh.) secret, but we do it all for you. But, we don't like to keep secrets! We let you know exactly what we do, how we do it, and the software that we use. Contact us to find out. Here are some of the techniques and services that we use to increase website ranking:

Article Marketing

Blog Marketing

Video Creation and Submission

Press Release Submission

Bookmark Production

Forum Backlinks

Blog Backlinking

EDU and GOV Linking

RSS Creation and Aggregation

Yellow Pages



Yahoo Local

Google Places

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