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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Keyword Optimization Tools at Affordable Price - Search Engines - SE Optimization

There are lots of keyword optimization tools available to help anyone pick the right keywords for their website. A good keyword optimization tool can also help you get your search engine keyword placement correct. You can find these tools for free on the web. You can also choose to make use of some of the paid tools that are available for website owners and webmasters.

Your task of analyzing keywords needs to include these items: 1)what words would be best to find your website in a search, 2)what derivatives of these words would help the link building task (synonyms, long tail phrases, etc.), 3) how well saturated is my website with the correct keywords. This can vary page to page on your site.

A logical way to start this process is to make use of the keyword analysis tools offered by These tools will allow you to make use of search based words and phrases that Google has already recorded. These tools can look at your site, and make recommendations. If you are doing PPC (pay per click) with Google, they can also tailor new ads to these words, based on your searches with the tool.

Another tool you may want to use is a keyword saturation tool. This tool can help you look at the overall saturation of your keywords throughout your website. You can find a tool like this at

Good also makes a great set of tools for helping you pick keywords, as well as make keyword synonyms, and long tail phrases.

You may also want to visit, and take a look at their keyword suggestion tool. The job of keyword search optimization is a lot easier if you know how often people are searching for the word you are thinking about using, like "power generator". Wordtracker does a good job at getting you access to those statistics. There are free and paid services available here.

You will also want to take a look at the keyword optimization tool software available at and Not only is it some of the best in the business for reliability, it is also some of the easiest to use. You don't want to have to spend your time trying to figure out the software. Again, they offer some free and some paid access to the keyword analysis tools.

This is one other sneaky tool you can use. You may want to search the html code of other websites that have similar businesses to yours. For example, you can click on the "View" item in your IE browser main menu, then click on "Source." Unless the webmaster has tried to hide the code, you will be able to see the meta tags, meta description, etc. of the website in question. This may also give you ideas. One of the best keyword search optimization tools available is just doing Google searches, to see who is controlling certain keywords organically. These are then the websites you want to go to, in order to view their source code.

A keyword optimization tool is only as good as the effort put into using it. To help you analyze the results of your efforts, consider the following for every keyword you find in the tools: prominence of their usage, the frequency of usage by the public, the weight or density of those items in your website content, the proximity of the keywords used in long tail phrases, and how those words have been strategically placed throughout the content. With a little effort, you will be able to find lots of other free keyword analysis tools on the web.

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